Fature Proposal - Approved - Utility facilities

Dear all

The vote is now over on the Utility facilities proposal

It has been approved with 19 yes, 4 no and 1 abstain (83%).
Thank you to all 24 contributors who vote there.

Some voters were worried about the amount of work induced by the replacement of several existing street_cabinet values.
No automated replacement was planned as it sounds necessary at first to review every existing feature to correct the utility=* value if necessary.
I’ll be involved in this in France, which holds a quarter of 100k covered objects.
Depending on the results there, it may be appropriate to go on with automated replacement. A dedicated proposal will be reviewed at the right moment if relevant.

Short term goal is to update wiki, editors presets and QA first.

Best regards.

1 post - 1 participant

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Ce sujet de discussion accompagne la publication sur https://community.openstreetmap.org/t/fature-proposal-approved-utility-facilities/8299